Of a Fine Brush is a defining series for Yang Chang, of which many aspects redraw previous understandings of who Yang Chang is as an artist-painter. Throughout the series we are treated to a delectable blend of the intense rigor from gongbi and the carefree spirit of xieyi, reminiscent of pioneering Singapore watercolour artist Cheng Chong Swee who exceled at composing masterpieces tying together a myriad of different tree forms. We can also observe the elevation of tonality through unconventional hues and the transformation of the traditional (ink awakening / ??) into the experimental (awakening white / ??). It is this harmonious duality of the seemingly dichotomic that excites and attracts us. The trademarks of Yang Chang remain too, amidst his eclectic showcase of ideals and techniques. We might notice his unique style of appending seals, where at first glance they appear to be at random, but on deeper introspection they can be seen to enhance the overall composition of the painting. It could be the immaculate detail in the broad leaves, or the rich layers and tones to his skies and stones. It could even be how the paper he uses inspires different forms and shapes. The series’ title would suggest it runs and revolves around fine technicalities and brush techniques, but that would be far from the truth. The continual refinement of skill founded upon a heightened understanding of Chinese watercolour and ink are only the expression of and window to Yang Chang’s philosophical inclinations and avid soul.
by Mr. Ling Shao Tong